Ramblings of a clueless American abroad

Sunday, September 5, 2010

One Month

I've been in Istanbul for a whole month now. Crazy! Things overall have been pretty great. I absolutely love my new place. I essentially have a host family now, and they're awesome. I get a delicious home-cooked meal every day (and dessert- mm, Güllaç). In exchange, I'm tutoring their 17-year old son in English, which has gone pretty well so far. Interestingly, the father is Christian while his wife and son are atheist (woo!). Pretty remarkable in a 98% Muslim country. I went to church with him this morning and met some Americans One family was from Wheaton! Small, small world.

It's been raining all day, unfortunately. I HATE rain. I think it's very popular these days to claim to love rain because it's all poetic and crap, but man does rain suck. I hate the wet shoes, the damp jeans, the rivers in the streets, the canceled baseball games and concerts, and the general gloom of the clouds. I much prefer hot, sunny days, which I guess means that I chose an excellent grad school location. Sadly, Istanbul will only get more rain as my time here continues, since late fall/early winter is a pretty rainy time. We have a long weekend starting on Wednesday, so hopefully the weather is nice enough for me to make some excursions.

Alright, picture time. My new place is near so many things, including the giant Dolmabahce Palace. Here are some ornate, oft-photographed gates:

In adorable cat news, there's a litter of tiny kittens at the university now!

People stop by to take care of them all the time, bringing milk, water, and food, so they love people. Especially feet.

I visit the kittens every day, and unfortunately I've had to watch as they each get the same icky eye infection. I have some Tobradex, which apparently can be used on kittens, so I'm kind of tempted to try to medicate them. I feel like it would be pointless, though, since they would probably just catch it again if it did manage to cure it. Hopefully with all the random strangers pitching in these kittens can survive, though I've made sure not to count them in an attempt to stop myself from knowing how many don't make it. Poor little guys :(


  1. so cute! glad to hear your new housing situation is working out :)

  2. I agree, living with a family is so much
    better. Do they tuck you in at night? :)
    Better yet, do they have screens?

